Visual showcasing an online Baccarat game interface, featuring a dealer and gaming tables, with a smartphone displaying the game. The word 'BACCARAT' is prominently featured at the bottom, along with 'PLAYER' and 'BANKER' labels. Visual showcasing an online Baccarat game interface, featuring a dealer and gaming tables, with a smartphone displaying the game. The word 'BACCARAT' is prominently featured at the bottom, along with 'PLAYER' and 'BANKER' labels.



我们的百家乐备有不同玩法,包括极速百家乐和免水百家乐,以及多种边注选项如完美对子、任意对子、龙宝,和幸运六,赔率最高可达 50 倍!

Close-up of an online Baccarat game interface displaying the table name 'Speed Bacc D08' and a betting range indicator showing '5 - 500' with arrow symbols.




Image of an online Baccarat game interface featuring a scoreboard with colored circles indicating player and banker outcomes. A prominent button labeled 'NO COMM' is highlighted in gold.


顾名思义,这一种真人百家乐不设抽佣。庄家胜出的赔率同样是 1 赔 1。当庄家以六点胜出时,赔率减半。这款游戏为百家乐提供另一种玩法,您的玩家可因应赔率不同,而制定策略。

Close-up image of a gaming table with betting options displayed, including 'P. PAIR' at 11:1, 'B. PAIR' at 11:1, 'PERFECT PAIR' at 7:2, and 'ANY PAIR' at 7:2, with colorful chips in the background.


SA Gaming 的百家乐备有多种边注,投注类型包括对子(任意对子、完美对子)、以例牌或以大点数差距获胜(闲/庄龙宝),以及庄家以六点胜出(幸运六、两张牌幸运六、三张牌幸运六)。